Three of James' children made their show debut at the International Dogshow in Eindhoven (NL) on Friday, February 3. These puppies are from his first litter, they are now 9.5 months old, and were all entered in youth class under judge mr. Leonard (IE). They all did great! Floatin' King of Kintyre ''Kerel'' won 1 excellent and reserve CAC, Floatin' Kara Kardashan ''Kayleigh'' did the same in females and gained 1 excellent and reserve CAC too, and Floatin' Kristle Kirby ''Kirby'' gained 2 excellent behind her sister. Needless to say that I'm very proud!
Drie van James' kindjes maakten vrijdag 3 februari 2012 hun showdebuut op de Internationale Show in Eindhoven. Dit zijn de pups van zijn eerste nestje, ze zijn nu 9,5 maand oud en waren allemaal ingeschreven in de jeugdklasse onder keurmeester dhr. Leonard (IE). Ze deden het allemaal geweldig! Floatin' King of Kintyre ''Kerel'' won 1 uitmuntend en reserve CAC, Floatin' Kara Kardashan ''Kayleigh'' deed hetzelfde bij de teefjes en won ook 1 uitmuntend en reserve CAC en Floatin' Kristle Kirby kreeg 2 uitmuntend achter haar zusje. Onnodig te zeggen dat ik erg trots ben!
Floatin' Kristle Kirby won 2 excellent! |
Floatin' Kara Kardashan won 1 excellent and reserve CAC! |
Floatin' King of Kintyre won 1 excellent and reserve CAC too! |
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