
Pedigree of Waggerland Cape Cod ''James''

Dutch Champion
Belgian Champion
German Champion
International Champion
Dutch Junior Champion
Luxembourg Junior Champion
German Club Champion
Bundesjugendsieger '10
Westfalensieger '12
Saarlandsieger '12
Saarbrückensieger '12
Brabo Winner '13

Pedigree of Waggerland Cape Cod

Waggerland Cape Cod

Floatin' Cyntaf In Blue

Floatin' Yoker Yip
Magdor Sir Echo

Floatin' Sara Saran

Floatin' Blue Whimsical

Floatin' Black Orneagh

Kentwood Blue Delft

Waggerland At All Times

Floatin' Ffagan Ffinian

Rarebit Blackjack Boyd

Kennebec Ann Bonny

Rarebit Black Cressida

Floatin' Cyntaf In Blue

Floatin' Zipporah
This pedigree was generated by

To see James' complete pedigree, check his profile in
The Cardigan Archives.