Father & son (& Amy)

On September 15, we met James' son Aurin (Just A Gigolo from the Wonderful Oz) from his second litter, his "sister" Amy, and their owner Regina, who are from Germany, but were on vacation in the Netherlands. Together we made a beach walk and it was really fun! The boys were also good together, even though both are intact males. It was so nice to see how Aurin had grown up and how his behavior looked like his father's. The weather was grey, but the dogs didn't mind at all! Watch the photos for an impression!

Amy, Aurin, James!
Father and son playing and running together

Aurin, just over a year old

Just A Gigolo from the Wonderful Oz

James and Aurin
Aurin, Amy, James

It is so much fun at the beach!

James and Amy in the sea

Swimming Corgi seals! James & Amy

James is shaking, Aurin thinks get out of here!

James, always a happy boy!

Hey dad, what you're doing there?

Father and son share the stick they found

Who is the fastest black and white Cardi?
Son Aurin following father James

Three brindle pointed tricolors: Aurin, James, Amy

Aurin (Just A Gigolo from the Wonderful Oz), James (CH Waggerland Cape Cod), Amy
Op 15 september ontmoetten we James' zoon Aurin (Just A Gigolo from the Wonderful Oz) uit zijn tweede nest, zijn "zus" Amy en hun eigenaresse Regina, die uit Duitsland komen, maar in Nederland op vakantie waren. Samen hebben we een strandwandeling gemaakt en het was erg leuk! De reuen waren ook goed samen, ook al zijn het twee intacte reuen. Het was ook mooi om te zien hoe Aurin is opgegroeid en hoe zijn gedrag op sommige vlakken sterk overeenkomt met dat van zijn vader. Het weer was grijs, maar de honden vonden dat helemaal niet erg! Bekijk de foto's voor een impressie!

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